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20ways Summer2013 Hospital Edition

Edward Sredzienski MS Pharm Clinical Specialist SICU/Trauma ICU UNC Hospitals Preceptor since 1993 Thank you to our Paoloni Preceptor of the Year! page 21 page 24-25 BruClean TbC™ Disinfectant by Texwipe BruClean TbC™ Disinfectant is the preferred bleach alternative. Bru-Clean™ is more stable than bleach, biodegradable and less corrosive. Fall 2012 I M P R O V I N G PATIENT CARE & P H A R M ACY PROFITABILITY Fall 2012 Community • Specialty • LTC 20 Unique Products & Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or increase profitability. 8 Preceptors Recognized 8 preceptors recognized by 5 colleges including Belmont, UNC, Findlay, UCONN, Roosevelt… page 24 Trade Show Calendar page 40 Student Comment “ DR. SREDZIENSKI EMBODIES the kind of person I want to be: an excellent pharmacist, spouse, parent, coworker and mentor. ” The Bleach alTernaTive in tablet form. Spring 2013 I M P R O V I N G PATIENT CARE & P H A R M ACY PROFITABILITY Spring 2013 Community • Specialty • LTC 20 Unique Products & Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or increase profitability. 18 Preceptors Recognized 18 preceptors recognized by 11 colleges including UC San Diego, UNE, Findlay, UCONN, Roosevelt… page 24 Trade Show Calendar page 40 Preceptor Recognitions Winter 2012 I M P R O V I N G P A T I E N T C A R E & PHARMACY COST C O N TA I N M E N T Winter 2012 Health System • Infusion 20 Unique Products & Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or contain costs. 17 Preceptors Recognized 17 preceptors recognized by 10 colleges including University of Michigan, UNC, Findlay, UCONN, Roosevelt… page 24 Pharmacist Jobs Pharmacy Job Opportunities… page 60 Trade Show Calendar page 40 Summer 2013 I heal th system • infusi on 3 Contents 800.331.2498 l Quality. Lives depend on it. We know that quality isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity – for the health of your customers and your business. That’s why we combine four variables – ingredients, formula development, education and consulting – to deliver quality without compromise to our member compounding pharmacists. In a time when the compounding industry is under scrutiny, that means real peace of mind. Learn more about PCCA’s commitment to quality at and how to do everything you can to keep your customers safe and your business at full sail. IMPROVE YOUR Quality Compounds Start with PCCA Quality Chemicals, Bases & Education Only PCCA member pharmacies bring the highest quality chemicals, bases and training to your patients. 20Ways MISSION To educate pharmacy management on products and services that serve to improve patient care or improve a pharmacy’s financial bottom line, while distilling and presenting this relevant information via 20 product-profiles. 2013 CIRCULATION Issue Focus: Hospital & Infusion Issue Frequency: Summer & Winter Circulation per Issue: 19,000+ 6,500+ Hospital Directors 2,200+ Clinical Consultants 2,500+ Industry Executives 5,000+ College Preceptors 1,800+ College Faculty 1,000+ Trade Show Handouts Issue Focus: Retail, Specialty & LT C Issue Frequency: Spring & Fall Circulation per Issue: 31,800+ 18,000+ Owners (Independents) 2,500+ Retail Chain Executives 2,500+ Industry Executives 5,000+ College Preceptors 1,800+ College Faculty 2,000+ Trade Show Handouts QUARTERLY ISSUES WAY Summer 2013 I M P R O V I N G P A T I E N T C A R E & PHARMACY COST C O N TA I N M E N T Summer 2013 Health System • Infusion 20 Unique Products & Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or contain costs. 9 Preceptors Recognized 9 Preceptors Recognized by 7 Colleges Including University of Hawai’i at Hilo, UNC, UC San Diego, UCONN, Roosevelt… page 24 Pharmacist Jobs Pharmacy Job Opportunities… page 54 Trade Show Calendar page 38 Visit 20Ways ONLINE at WAY WAY Health System • Infusion Community • Specialty • LTC Community • Specialty • LTC Health System • Infusion Introducing BruClean TbC™, the preferred alternative to liquid bleach. BruClean TbC™ is a “just add water” premeasured disinfectant tablet. By adding one gallon of water to BruClean TbC™, it creates a powerful disinfectant cleaner effective against a broad array of pathogens including MRSA, E. coli and Salmonella. • Convenient tablet • Save shipping costs • Less corrosive than liquid bleach • More stable than bleach • 1000 ppm available chlorine for 24 hrs. • EPA registered Bru-Clean TbC™ Disinfectant Tablets Scan the QR Code for more information or contact us at one of the numbers below. North America Office (800) 839-9473 | Europe/Middle East Office +31.88.1307.410 | Asia/Pacific Office +65 6468 9433 | page 27 SureCost – Purchasing and Inventory Management System Provided by Emerlyn Technology We offer a suite of web based services and applications that provide cost savings and inventory reduction. PROFITS Gain Control Over Your Purchases and Inventory with Our SureCost Web Based Solution! Monitor Vendor Agreement n Optimize Product Selection Reduce Out-Of-Stocks n Accurate Cost Data n Decrease Inventory Diversion Alerts n Internal Compliance n Inventory Management Contact us to learn why more pharmacies and pharmacy chains are using our system for their daily pharmacy purchases. | 888-363-7596 | page 23 Want to join the preceptor team at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill? Please contact Kim Leadon at 919-966-3023 or

20ways Summer2013 Hospital Edition
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