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Custom Rx Connection August 2012

I A C P Greetings Fellow Compounders, Welcome to the inaugural issue of IACP’s brand-new online journal, CustomRx Connection! IACP’s Board of Directors gave the task of exploring the expansion of our publications and included a potential magazine in the mix to what was then the publishing committee under Rich Moon’s, PharmD, FIACP of Pharmacy Innovations direction. That committee was renamed the IACP Communications Committee, and provided expanded duties under the stewardship of co-chairs Kate James, RPh, Broadway Apothecary and Becca Mitchell, PharmD, U.S. Compounding. The story of how we got to this publication is a great one, and would not be possible without the IACP staff’s help and encouragement. The idea for an expanded publication is to help facilitate our community of compounders. We wanted a place for information sharing that did not compete with our good friends at the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding (IJPC), and indeed, Dr. Loyd Allen and crew have been very helpful to us. We wanted a magazine that could offer continuing education, a column on legal advice from experts, a place to tie together our Washington, D.C., efforts for the members, an outlet for articles from our fellows and other members that did not necessarily involve research, perhaps articles from students, a place to get the message out to the community about the mission and accomplishments of the IACP Foundation, and more. As the discussions continued for our magazine, we realized that we can indeed add value to the body of work that is now available. In this issue you will see a profile of one of our Canadian Members, IACP Board Member Roses Stewart, BSP, as well as two in-depth discussions from two additional board members on topics that are very current. The committee decided to ultimately produce an electronic version of our magazine, with the idea that we could virally reach more interested parties such as academia, students, and compounders in other countries much easier and more cost effectively. Our work on CustomRx Connection is far from over. We are in fact just beginning. We need your help, not just with articles, but with editorial direction, and volunteers. Your volunteering doesn’t have to be a lifetime commitment; we will appreciate anything that you will offer. This is your publication. Help us let it grow into all that it is possible for it to be. With Thanks, Rich, Kate, Becca Rich Moon Kate James Becca Mitchell 2 I A C P C U S T O M Rx C O N N E C T I O N I A C P R X . O R G

Custom Rx Connection August 2012
To see the actual publication please follow the link above