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No Other Automation on the Market Does This.. [Video]

Improving Efficiency, Productivity and Your Bottom Line

Our Numbers Speak for Themselves.

Whether it's a 2,000 card-per-month pharmacy, DOSIS has a consistent track record of...

-10,000 cards per month (with capacity up 20,000 per unit)

-3x Faster than manual filling

-Integrates with any Pharmacy Management Software

-Customizes to YOUR workflow

Read the Case Study in RXinsider

"Upward of 40% of our cycle fill being produced by a single technician using the DOSIS machines is definitely significant when you are looking at the bottom line..."

-Our Valued Customer, Zach Corbell, Pharm D.

Pharmacist-in-Charge (PIC)

Tarrytown Expocare, Austin, TX



Scalability and Reliability

DOSIS units link together based on your volume. With real-world production up to 20k cards per month, per unit, the only question is, "how many cards are you producing?". DOSIS will handle it!

Additionally, units act independently within each system which means all working units remain active during troubleshooting. No other automation on the market does this.

Blister Cards

Depending on your pharmacy's needs we offer units for 15/16 or 30/31 blister cards. Available with unit-dose printing on the back of each blister. 


One size fits all. Generic change-outs. No manufacturer calibration. No exchange fees. 

We'd love to give you a demonstration! 

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