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IACP Compounders on Capitol Hill

I A C P E D U C A T I N G A D V O C A T I N G N E T W O R K I N G C O M P O U N D E R S O N C A P I T O L H I L L “Make plans now to attend this year’s Compounders on Capitol Hill. Join your colleagues as we ensure that IACP continues to protect, promote and advance our beloved pharmacy compounding profession. We know that with great challenges, comes great opportunity – so I am reaching out to each and every one of you to be proactive, and seize this opportunity to attend CCH with me, because our profession and your patients need us. Our profession is at a tipping point, and it requires all of us to be present and unified in Washington, D.C. in 2013!” Wade Siefert, RPh, IACP President Click here to hear a heartfelt message from President Siefert. Big Changes, Big Savings Coming in 2013! The 19th Annual Compounders on Capitol Hill (CCH) will be held June 1-4, 2013, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va. Located only two miles from Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA), the Crystal Gateway Marriott offers immediate lobby access to Washington, D.C.’s world-famous Metro system and a quick ride to all the museums, sights, restaurants, and even the Capitol. Selecting a new hotel is part of IACP's strategic plan to bring attendees and exhibitors much needed meeting space, a larger exhibit hall, discounted parking to encourage local compounders’ participation, and a considerably lower hotel group rate. With an expected 300 total attendees in 2013, Compounders on Capitol Hill brings together the top-level compounding pharmacists and technicians from across the country with the same goal – to protect, promote and advance pharmacy compounding. Don’t miss the only pharmacy compounding event that takes our issues directly to Washington, D.C.’s doorstep. Why Should You Attend? n Hear from experts during in-depth Continuing Education sessions on legislative and regulatory issues at the state and federal level affecting pharmacy compounding. n A special marketing track for you and your Marketing Representatives on Promoting Your Compounding Pharmacy Services and Developing and Implementing a Marketing Plan. n Earn up to 11.0 contact hours (1.1 CEUs) of continuing education credit. n A bargain hotel group rate at $149 – that's half the price from the 2012 meeting! n Our bigger and brighter exhibit hall puts attendees face-to-face with 40 leading companies that serve compounding pharmacies. n We’ve developed a special First-timers program! We will pair you with an IACP Ambassador – a veteran IACP Member and/or IACP Board of Directors Member to better acquaint you with the meeting and help make introductions to new friends and colleagues. n Join us on the Hill! Be an advocate for compounding during in-person Capitol Hill meetings with your state representatives. n Socialize and support the IACP Foundation during compounding pharmacy’s biggest party of the year – Rx Mixer Celebrating Sunday Night Fever on Sunday, June 2, 2013. n On Monday, June 3, the COMP PAC Dinner is an exclusive opportunity to hob-nob with the powerful movers and shakers of Washington, D.C. The COMP PAC will host the Honorable Sam Farr, U. S. House of Representatives (D, CA-17) as the keynote speaker for the COMP PAC Dinner. Network! Reconnect with old friends and meet new colleagues who share your passion and interest in protecting, promoting and advancing compounding! Our profession is at a tipping point, and it requires all of us to be present and unified in Washington, D.C. in 2013.

IACP Compounders on Capitol Hill
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