Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Intelligent Anesthesia Medication Carts: Don’t Operate Without Them

In today’s most progressive operating rooms and surgical centers, anesthesiologists and their teams rely on carts that both integrate with and enhance their workflows. So much more than run-of-the-mill medical storage cabinets on wheels, intelligent anesthesia medication carts incorporate workstations, along with drawers for keeping medication, airway devices, and IV supplies secure, neatly organized—and readily within reach at all times during surgery.

It is, however, accessibility and connectivity that put the “intelligent” in intelligent anesthesia carts. The best models combine medication/supply storage with all the features of a highly functional mobile workstation designed with anesthesiology’s high demands in mind. For one, integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR) gives anesthesiologists immediate access to patient information. This alone provides easy access to critical up-to-the-minute data through an intuitive automated system, freeing up time and attention for greater patient care. Read More >>

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