Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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When it Comes to Cleaner Aseptic Practices Only One Product Line has the Total Package- Parasol Medical [VIDEO]

When it Comes to Cleaner Aseptic Practices Only One Product Line has the Total Package

Cultivate™ is the superior quality assurance line of products with a breakthrough difference: all are delivered in lint-free packaging made to comply with USP <797> and USP <800> requirements. 

Convenient and hazard-free, Cultivate is the total package: superior products with superior packaging. 

-Carton won't disburse particles or interfere with testing

-Safe to store in pharmacy or cleanroom without repackaging

-Protects test media from contamination during shipping 

Cultivate products are designed for air particle monitoring, surface testing, personal aseptic technique testing, needleless dispensing, safe handling of hazardous drugs and more.

The Cultivate family of products includes: 

-Contact™ growth media paddles: Microbial monitoring system for surface testing and gloved fingertip testing

-TTMicro™ full filtration system: For testing small volume compounded sterile products

-PASS Kit Personal Aseptic Sampling System™: Aseptic technique training and validation aids 

 To learn more about Cultivate products visit 

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Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology