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How the power of partnership led to completion of critical technical training for 100+ employees in less than three weeks

Azzur Labs 

How the power of partnership led to completion of critical technical training for 100+ employees in less than three weeks

With one leg on the dock of GDP compliance and the other on the innovation life raft, as a leader, you’re constantly pulled in different directions by initiatives that don’t often align. 

The same went for a top-10 international pharma manufacturer who suddenly found themselves facing the insurmountable goal of comprehensive training for non-technical staff – on everything from GDP to aseptic processing – in a matter of weeks.

The Rundown

-The Challenge

Comprehensive training solutions covering everything from GDP to aseptic processing for new hires — Implemented within 4 months

-The Team

Azzur Raleigh, Azzur Labs, & Learnaboutgmp

-The Solution

A fully customized, turnkey digital, in-person, & hands-on training program coupled with sample analysis and direct result reporting

-The Impact

In less than 3 weeks, over 100 non-technical employees completed critical training and were ready to walk into a cleanroom

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