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Flexible Solutions for Diversion Prevention [VIDEO]

Flexible Solutions for Diversion Prevention

Dynamic Diversion Visualizations Customized to Your Organization

HelioMetrics is the industry’s leading advanced drug diversion software platform. Our proprietary Diversion Triangulation™ methodology, along with behavior analytics, gives healthcare systems and pharmacies a closed-loop process for the precise monitoring, detection, and investigation of drug diversion.

Our solution can also be used to validate compliance to medication handling policies, while at the same time helping with process improvement.

Healthcare Rx Drug Diversion Analytics

-Using contextual information to identify anomalous behavior.

Pharmacy and Distribution Diversion Analytics

-Monitor medication from the point of the order and through the pharmacy

Prescribing Practices Analytics

-Identify questionable prescribing practices and trends in your organization

Diversion Monitoring

-Have a second set of eyes watching over your systems and protecting patients

Contact us today to see how HelioMetrics can help simplify the complexity of investigating drug diversion in healthcare. | 3440 Beltline Blvd, Suite 208, St Louis Park, MN 55416 | Tel: 612.444.3242 | eMail:

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Drug Diversion Monitoring, Diversion Prevention