Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Think About the Floor You Walk On

There is a visible and invisible enemy in health and biopharma facilities. Particulate contaminants in critical areas are known to adversely affect the quality and operational effectiveness. Particles can make their way in from various places. And even large particles that have settled on the floor are easily crushed into small particles and redistributed back into the air, presenting a potential hazard.

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The floor is the largest and most transferable surface for viable and non-viable contamination risks in a pharmaceutical, hospital, or controlled environment. Dycem Corporation brings a systematic approach to protect the facility through its mats and flooring. 

1) ATTRACT: The Dycem mats and flooring have a high surface energy due to the smooth polymeric formula, enabling the product to draw in particles in the environment.

2) CAPTURE: The flooring and mats capture up to 99.9% of particles from feet and wheels and 75% of airborne particles.

3) RETAIN: The client doesn't risk particle transfer from repeated footsteps in the same area. The mat holds the particles from the capture step. 

Dycem is the cost-effective and sustainable solution for floor-level contamination control.

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