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Cloud Hosting: Four Reasons Healthcare Facilities Should Be Looking to the Cloud

Staying up-to-date on technology is one of many challenges healthcare IT professionals face today. Choosing the right solution is a delicate balance of cost, reliability, and user acceptance to achieve overall efficiency, staff satisfaction, and greater quality of care. For facilities not already doing so, running essential software and managing data in the cloud may be the right way to achieve that balance.

Cost Savings

Cloud hosting relieves healthcare facilities from many burdens that come with managing on-premise servers as updates, backups, and uptime are managed by cloud-based healthcare management software providers. As a result, using the cloud allows hospitals and long-term care centers to avoid significant upfront investments in hardware, maintenance, and additional personnel required to manage on-site data centers. Pay-as-you-go SaaS options also offer more flexibility and greater freedom to allocate budgets towards improving staff satisfaction/retention, and better patient outcomes. Read more >

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