Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Breaking Down the Cost of Technology for Pharmacies

Nowadays, we’re utilizing technology constantly, whether it’s to track our health on a smart device or the tiny chips needed to operate the cars we drive. Pharmacies are no different, relying on technology for everything from electronic communication tools to workflow automation. Although technology is all around us, there are still a lot of misconceptions and unrealistic expectations about it. Especially when it comes to the cost that’s associated with advanced functionality. To help, we’re sharing what it takes to build and manage new features and integrations, breaking down the cost of technology for pharmacies.

Like most store owners, you probably want your pharmacy software to “do it all” but may push back when it comes to paying for advanced functionality. While it’s understandable to want to keep costs down and receive maximum value from the system you’ve invested in, it’s not always reasonable to expect everything to be included in the base price. Here’s why:

New technology takes time (and money) to develop.

Although the end result may look simple, it doesn’t mean developing it was. In fact, that’s the purpose of technology – to make performing certain tasks easier. However, even things we consider to be “basic” functionality requires a lot of technical expertise and coding to bring it to life. For example, an app can take between two to nine months and anywhere from $10,000 – $70,000 (or more) to build, depending on its complexity. When you compare that to everything your pharmacy software can do, it puts into perspective the amount of time and resources required to maintain and enhance it. Read more >

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