Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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5 Must-Haves for Pharmacies Looking to Increase Adherence

Medication adherence is important, not just for your patients, but for your pharmacy as well. When medications are taken as prescribed, patients can manage chronic conditions and achieve optimal health outcomes. Plus, every time a prescription is refilled, it means recurring revenue for your store.  On the other hand, when patients aren’t compliant, they’re not only putting their health at risk, but it can negatively impact your store’s quality scores, reimbursement rates and overall profitability as well. Fortunately, there are multiple tools available in your pharmacy software that can help patients stay on track. To help, we’ve put together a list of 5 must-haves for pharmacies looking to increase adherence:  


BestRx’s software includes a convenient Medication Synchronization (MedSync) feature as part of its Standard and Premium tiers. It enables pharmacies to quickly calculate short fills and sync multiple medications for a patient to the same fill date. This saves the patient from making multiple trips to the pharmacy and allows your staff to work more efficiently too. In fact, studies have shown that MedSync programs average 2-3 additional refills per participating patient each year. While that may not sound like a lot, it adds up quickly and can have a significant financial impact for your store. Read more >

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