Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Enhancing Medication Adherence: A Fresh Perspective

Helping patients consistently take their prescribed medications is vital to healthcare, directly impacting their overall health. However, ensuring success with medication adherence has long posed a challenge in the pharmacy industry. 

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To address the limitations of medication compliance, Jones Healthcare Group offers proven packaging solutions. Their products and services promote sustainable development, pharmacy automation, and patient usability, such as blister packs. These are safe and cost-effective tools within a pharmacy primary care program to support the pillars of medication adherence. These solutions have been shown to improve adherence rates from 61% to as much as 97%.1

Jones Healthcare Group also provides technology to improve medication management solutions through their CpaX™ offering. This medication manager platform is equipped with Near Field Communication (NFC) tags or printed electronics, allowing individuals to interact with packaging throughout the life of a prescription using a smartphone. CpaX helps patients take the right medications at the right time.

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This post is related to:

Patient Care: Adherence, Compliance, Remote Monitoring, Med Sync