Preceptor Recognitions Secure inventory. Stop diversion. Increase accuracy. PharmLoc™ is designed to keep your medications secure. Let TCG help you organize and dispense medications to give both your staff and patients peace of mind. User-tracking R to the medication R to the drawer Spring 2014 I M P R O V I N G PATIENT CARE & P H A R M ACY PROFITABILITY Spring 2014 Community • Specialty • LTC 20 Unique Products & Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or increase profitability. 8 Preceptors Recognized 8 preceptors recognized by 7 colleges including UNE, MCPHS, Campbell, UCONN, SIUE . . . page 24 Trade Show Calendar page 40 Summer 2014 I M P R O V I N G P A T I E N T C A R E & PHARMACY COST C O N TA I N M E N T Summer 2013 Health System • Infusion 20 Unique Products & Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or contain costs. 9 Preceptors Recognized 9 Preceptors Recognized by 7 Colleges Including University of Hawai’i at Hilo, UNC, UC San Diego, UCONN, Roosevelt… page 24 Pharmacist Jobs Pharmacy Job Opportunities… page 54 Trade Show Calendar page 38 Winter 2013 I M P R O V I N G P A T I E N T C A R E & PHARMACY COST C O N TA I N M E N T Winter 2013 Health System • Infusion 20 Unique Products & Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or contain costs. 6 Preceptors Recognized 6 Preceptors Recognized by 7 Colleges Including Campbell University, UNE, MCPHS, UCONN, Roosevelt... page 24 Pharmacist Jobs Pharmacy Job Opportunities... page 54 Trade Show Calendar page 38 FALL 2014 I Ret ail /Community • Spe cial ty • L TC 3 Contents PharmLoc™ from TCGRx Simplifies Your Control Medication Workflow Improve inventory management with PharmLoc: secure storage and restricted access for your at-risk medications. 262.279.5307 Biometric scan, barcode, or password access Computer controlled locked drawers Multiple drawer configurations available Alerts for discrepancies page 27 Highest Quality Chemicals Assured by Freedom Pharmaceuticals Freedom is committed to providing the highest quality Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), excipients and bases. Rx30 by Transaction Data Systems - The Pharmacy System Whether you are a small independent start-up filling 30 prescriptions a day or a 100+ independent chain operation filling 1,500 prescriptions a day - Rx30 is the perfect solution! page 23 Freedom – Highest Quality Chemicals Product Assurance Screening System (P.A.S.S.) Product Assurance Screening System (P.A.S.S.) is a strategic step-by-step method for handling each product from receipt and quarantine, to final inspection and shipment. P.A.S.S. was created to ensure the integrity and safety of our chemicals. Every chemical is subjected to an extensive screening process to assure they meet the most current USP/NF/BP/EP/JP and/or other monographed specifications as well as application specific requirements. At Freedom, we are committed to providing only the highest quality Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), excipients and pre-made bases. We know that quality and consistency give our customers peace of mind, confidence, and a competitive advantage in their practice. To ensure the integrity of our chemicals, every lot and batch is rigorously screened to meet and exceed the most current requirements and specifications. Knowledge. Support. Supply. • 877.839.8547 page 21 20Ways MISSION To educate pharmacy management on products and services that serve to improve patient care or improve a pharmacy’s financial bottom line, while distilling and presenting this relevant information via 20 product-profiles. 2014 CIRCULATION Issue Focus: Hospital & Infusion Issue Frequency: Summer & Winter Circulation Per Issue: 19,000+ 6,500+ Hospital Directors 2,200+ Clinical Consultants 2,500+ Industry Executives 5,000+ College Preceptors 1,800+ College Faculty 1,000+ Trade Show Handouts Issue Focus: Retail, Specialty & LTC Issue Frequency: Spring & Fall Circulation Per Issue: 31,800+ 18,000+ Owners (Independents) 2,500+ Retail Chain Executives 2,500+ Industry Executives 5,000+ College Preceptors 1,800+ College Faculty 2,000+ Trade Show Handouts page 24-25 QUARTERLY ISSUES WAY Fall 2014 I M P R O V I N G PATIENT CARE & P H A R M ACY PROFITABILITY Fall 2014 Community • Specialty • LTC 20 Unique Products & Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or increase profitability. 11 Preceptors Recognized 11 Preceptors recognized by 8 colleges including UNC, Husson, Belmont, UCONN, SIUE and more. page 24 Trade Show Calendar page 38 Visit 20Ways ONLINE at WAY WAY Community • Specialty • LTC Community • Specialty • LTC Health System • Infusion Health System • Infusion
20Ways Fall 2014 Issue: Community - Specialty - LTC
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