Thinking of selling your pharmacy? iF approacheD By a chain or inDepenDenT Buyer, call me immeDiaTely For a Free consulTaTion. 888-808-4RPH (4774) aTTenTion owners: iF you are in one oF The Following siTuaTions, call me! 1. In discussions with a pharmacy chain 2. A wholesaler is helping you find a buyer 3. Planning to sell to an employee pharmacist 4. You already have an interested buyer(s) “I WILL PERSONALLY REPRESENT YOU. Get a higher price with less risk. I will value, market and sell your pharmacy for more money…A LOT MORE MONEY…than you can get on your own.” Daniel J. Lannon, RPh, Broker Cell: (651) 769-4932 | Email: Consulting Broker Services 888-808-4RPH (4774) Avoid costly mistakes made by sellers ... Watch this brief movie before talking with any buyer! © 2013. An independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. is a registered service mark of The Prudential Insurance Company of America.
20Ways Fall 2013 Issue: Community - Specialty - LTC
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