Don’t become a headline in your local paper. Talk to RMS today. Local Hospital Fined for Poor Readmission Rates Sometown, USA In recent news, Sound Hospital will incur fines up to $2.2 million for its high readmission rates within 30 days. Local administrators were unavailable for comment, but reliable sources suspect EvolutionPOS TM to the rescue. Capture those scripts in-house, to benefit your patients and the hospital. Using EvolutionPOS, you can put full transaction capability right in the hands of pharmacy employees. With our mobile POS device, you can deliver discharge prescriptions, OTCs and counseling directly to the patient bedside, just before they are discharged. Ensure uninterrupted patient compliance, which can help to keep readmission rates low, while gaining the prescription revenue. EvolutionPOS smoothly and securely accomplishes this by collecting payment, recording electronic signatures, and documenting each transaction in real time. Contact us to discuss the best fit for your needs. The Leader in Pharmacy Point-of-Sale Innovation 1.877.767.1060 Follow us on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter
20ways Summer2013 Hospital Edition
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