Pharmacy Job Opportunities Pharmacy Solutions • Over 40 years of experience in helping hundreds of hospital and outpatient pharmacies • One of the largest employers of acute-care pharmacists in the United States • Employer of choice for pharmacists because we off er a variety of career opportunities Your development, your well-being, your opportunity starts here © 2013 Cardinal Health. All rights reserved. CARDINAL HEALTH, the Cardinal Health LOGO and ESSENTIAL TO CARE are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cardinal Health. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Lit. No. 5HR11434 (04/2013) Career need a refill? A healthy career awaits. As one of our pharmacists, you’re on the frontline of personal healthcare, providing valuable service, award-winning clinical care programs and counsel to a wide variety of patients. With more than 2,422 stores in 31 states, opportunities exist to accommodate virtually every lifestyle. Summer 2013 I heal th system • infusi on 55 Expectations are fulfilled here. In addition to the staff and management positions, 13 residency programs are also available. To join our talent network please visit or e-mail EOE.
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