The One-Container Pharmaceutical Waste Solution Simple, no worries, the highest level of technology, and best of all – full compliance. Clinicians simply put both the non-hazardous and the RCRA hazardous pharmaceutical waste in the same black container.* Clean Harbors, the largest hazardous waste incineration company in North America, will pickup, transport, dispose of, and keep you in full compliance. We own every step of the process and don’t broker your waste to someone else, like your red container medical waste provider has to. Ensuring compliance to waste segregation protocols can be dicult, both to train sta and to enforce. is can put your hospital at risk for regulatory action. For more information: Call 800.645.8265 Email * There are a few waste items that must be collected separately due to DOT regulations. Please contact Clean Harbors for more info. E X P E R T I N - H O U S E P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & H A Z A R D O U S W A S T E M A N A G E M E N T
20Ways Summer 2014 Hospital Edition
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