WAY Bases for Every Application Freedom offers a wide array of specialty bases and vehicles for unique compounding needs and opportunities. Our extensive line of creams, gels, lotions, and other specialty ingredients can help to solve almost any compounding challenge. Freedom AuxiPro Bases AuxiPro Emollient Cream: Viscous oil-in-water emulsion base. Provides optimal coverage and ease of application compatible with a wide range of APIs. AuxiPro Plasticized Ointment: An anhydrous, elegant, soft, smooth base designed to deliver APIs topically for dermatological and dental applications. AuxiPro Vanishing Cream: A traditional vanishing cream formulation suitable for dermatology, cosmeceutical and many other topical applications. Freedom offers a wide array of specialty bases and vehicles for unique compounding needs and opportunities. Our extensive line of creams, gels, lotions, and other specialty ingredients can help to solve almost any compounding challenge. Each Freedom base is formulated with the highest quality ingredients for elegance, consistency, and ease of use. WAY FillSafe™ Fall 2014 I M P R O V I N G PATIENT CARE & P H A R M ACY PROFITABILITY Fall 2014 Community • Specialty • LTC 20 Unique Products & Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or increase profitability. 11 Preceptors Recognized 11 Preceptors recognized by 8 colleges including UNC, Husson, Belmont, UCONN, SIUE and more. page 24 Trade Show Calendar page 38 Spring 2014 I M P R O V I N G PATIENT CARE & P H A R M ACY PROFITABILITY Spring 2014 Community • Specialty • LTC 20 Unique Products & Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or increase profitability. 8 Preceptors Recognized 8 preceptors recognized by 7 colleges including UNE, MCPHS, Campbell, UCONN, SIUE . . . page 24 Trade Show Calendar page 40 Summer 2014 I M P R O V I N G P A T I E N T C A R E & PHARMACY COST C O N TA I N M E N T Summer 2013 Health System • Infusion 20 Unique Products & Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or contain costs. 9 Preceptors Recognized 9 Preceptors Recognized by 7 Colleges Including University of Hawai’i at Hilo, UNC, UC San Diego, UCONN, Roosevelt… page 24 Pharmacist Jobs Pharmacy Job Opportunities… page 54 Trade Show Calendar page 38 WINTER 2014 I HEALTH SYSTEM • INFUSION 3 Contents WAY Quality Compounds Start with PCCA Quality Chemicals, Bases and Education The broadest products and services available backed by the most dedicated team in the industry. Make compounding the difference in your pharmacy. WAY Hospital Pharmacy Waste Management with One Container by Clean Harbors A single container system that is simple to implement for clinical staff and is safer for the environment. 20Ways MISSION To educate pharmacy management on products and services that serve to improve patient care or improve a pharmacy’s financial bottom line, while distilling and presenting this relevant information via 20 product-profiles. 2014 CIRCULATION Issue Focus: Hospital & Infusion Issue Frequency: Summer & Winter Circulation Per Issue: 19,000+ 6,500+ Hospital Directors 2,200+ Clinical Consultants 2,500+ Industry Executives 5,000+ College Preceptors 1,800+ College Faculty 1,000+ Trade Show Handouts Issue Focus: Retail, Specialty & LTC Issue Frequency: Spring & Fall Circulation Per Issue: 31,800+ 18,000+ Owners (Independents) 2,500+ Retail Chain Executives 2,500+ Industry Executives 5,000+ College Preceptors 1,800+ College Faculty 2,000+ Trade Show Handouts QUARTERLY ISSUES Winter 2014 I M P R O V I N G P A T I E N T C A R E 20 Unique Products & Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or contain costs. 21 Preceptors Recognized 21 Preceptors Recognized by 14 Colleges Including Belmont, UCONN, MCPHS, Rutgers and More page 26 Pharmacist Jobs Pharmacy Job Opportunities page 58 Visit 20Ways ONLINE at RXinsider.com/20Ways Medication Security for Kirby Lester Robots Kirby Lester's KL60 and KL100 are the safest retail/ outpatient pharmacy robots with the new FillSafe™ security system. FillSafe eliminates the chance of dispensing from the wrong cassette. page 25 Freedom – Bases For Every Application Knowledge. Support. Supply. request free samples freedomrxinc.com • 877.839.8547 page 23 Community • Specialty • LTC Trade Show Calendar page 42 & PHARMACY COST C O N TA I N M E N T Winter 2014 Health System • Infusion Community • Specialty • LTC Health System • Infusion Health System • Infusion page 21 Get ahead. What are the active ingredients in every PCCA membership? Quality control you don’t have to think twice about. Expert compounding pharmacy consultants who’ve got your back. And educational programs that get you on course for greatness. So relax. With PCCA, you’ve got this. 800.331.2498 l pccarx.com PMQ and Rx Insider.indd 1 1/18/2013 5:03:15 PM page 19
20Ways Winter2014 Hospital Edition
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