Promoting Your Compounding Pharmacy Services Track State Advocacy Track 2:00-3:00 p.m. Ask the Marketer Excellent marketers are a rare breed. They make cold calls, visit doctors, navigate the maze of gate keepers and yet manage to smile through it all. Want to know how they do it? In this session you’ll be able to do just that. You may submit your questions in advance by emailing 3:00-4:00 p.m. The One Page Marketing Plan This program is made possible through an unrestricted educational grant-in-aid from Humco Compounding. You know you need your marketing plan. We’re not going to debate the merits. What you don’t need is a 100 page marketing plan. One page will suffice. Learn how to drill down to the who, what, where, why & when to maximize your efforts and keep your staff on the same page – the one page marketing plan. 4:00-5:00 p.m. Sales Calls - Preparation and Execution On average a physician’s office may be visited by 10 sales reps a day. Not just drug reps, but vitamin sales, skin care sales, equipment sales. Now why do they want to listen to what you have to say? The sales call doesn’t start once you open the car door. The sales process starts with identifying the client, understanding their needs, knowing your product and finally matching up those needs. Update on Compounding Legislative Activities at the State Level Click here When it comes to oversight of pharmacy, the states are where the action is. In collaboration with our state affiliates and the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations, IACP is tracking more than 50 individual bills and almost 30 different regulations under consideration by legislators and Boards of Pharmacy.Almost all of those are directly related to identifying potential gaps in existing compounding pharmacy law and will have an eventual impact on all practitioners. Learn which issues have “caught fire” and are moving forward and which ones may still come forward in the next few months. Accreditation has an important role in today’s healthcare environment. The Center for Pharmacy Practice Accreditation has developed a community pharmacy practice accreditation program to provide public recognition of pharmacy practices committed to quality, patient safety and excellence. The concepts in each of the domain areas of the community pharmacy practice standards will be presented and the accreditation process will be described. This presentation will also include a description of the value of an accredited community pharmacy practice. Although Compounders on Capitol Hill focuses upon the priorities of IACP and its members, what happens in Washington to pharmacy in general is just as vital. With budget cuts, changes to reimbursement, oversight of PBMs, and receiving compensation for professional services at the top of the pharmacy agenda, you need to know how the major professional associations are “watching your back.” Hear from IACP’s colleagues at other national pharmacy organizations about what they are working on and why this has a direct impact on you. A New Marketing Track n You asked for it and we’re delivering it – a new Marketing Track for the non-marketer and marketer looking for innovative ideas. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan you can implement directly into your practice. n Bring your marketing representatives to take part in new targeted sessions on how to market and promote your business. n Things are shifting and it’s important you are aware of what will affect you and the pharmacy. NEW! The Center for Pharmacy Practice Accreditation: Community Pharmacy Practice The Pharmacy Agenda 9th Annual Rx Mixer Celebrating Sunday Night Fever 6:30-Midnight – Grand Ballroom $150 per person (includes 2 drink tickets) ARE YOU READY TO BOOGIE? You’re invited to a far out fab disco dance with funkadelic good vibes! We are excited to announce the IACP Foundation’s 9th Annual Rx Mixer celebrating Sunday Night Fever which will be held on Sunday, June 2, 2013 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va. Last year’s Casablanca-themed event was a blast and this year we are going DISCO! Disco balls, Lava Lamps, big hair and sparkling accessories – transport yourself back to the glam days of Studio 54. The evening will include cocktails, buffet dinner, live auctions, Treasure Boxes and dancing to our funky music DJ. So break out your dancing shoes and make plans to join us for a fun and outta sight night and help fund the IACP Foundation’s research and education initiatives! Enjoy fellowship with your colleagues from around the country while benefiting the IACP Foundation. To attend the Rx Mixer, you may purchase your ticket online with your CCH registration. If you’re interested in sponsoring a table, email 9 T H A N N U A L C E L E B R A T I N G R X M MI I X E R SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2013 ~ 6:30 – MIDNIGHT B E N E F I T I N G T H E I A C P F O U N D A T I O N to hear what you can expect in the Marketing Tracks at CCH. COMPOUNDING #CCH2013
IACP Compounders on Capitol Hill
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