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IACP Compounders on Capitol Hill

Monday, June 3, 2013 The Washington “Bottom Line” – The Judicial and Legislative Branches How blue is your ocean? By default, compounding is a Blue Ocean. Through patient care, pharmacists before us created new demand in an uncontested market space (Blue Ocean) rather than by competing headto head with other suppliers for known customers in an existing industry. But now that compounding has become more common place . . . have we forgot about the blue ocean? In this hour you'll learn how to continue your long term goals of growing your business while making slight course corrections to embark on new streams of revenue. COMP PAC Dinner and Fundraiser 7:00–9:00 p.m. Ruth’s Chris Steak House (2231 Crystal Drive, 11th Floor, Arlington, VA 22202) $1000 per person as some of the upcoming cases you need to know about in order to protect your practice and your business. This year’s COMP PAC Dinner is an exclusive opportunity to hob-nob with powerful movers and shakers of Washington, D.C. The COMP PAC will host the Honorable Sam Farr, U. S. House of Representatives (D, CA-17) as the keynote speaker for the COMP PAC Dinner. The Honorable Sam Farr will talk face-to-face with our attendees about the future of health care. All proceeds will go to our goal of making COMP PAC one of the largest political action committees in pharmacy. Space at the event will be limited so reserve your seat early and help COMP PAC achieve its goal of raising funds to use in supporting candidates who recognize the value of compounding pharmacists and the services they provide. Remember, COMP PAC is the only PAC exclusively representing the interests of the compounding profession. Continental Breakfast and IACP Exhibitor Experience 8:30-9:30 a.m. Refill your cup of coffee, grab a bite to eat and visit providers of the latest products and services to advance your compounding practice. What’s Going on Legislatively & Judicially? A Pharmacy Law Update 9:30-10:30 a.m. This program is made possible through an unrestricted educational grant-in-aid from Letco Medical. Most pharmacists rely on their professional associations or their Board of Pharmacy to keep them informed and up-to-date about changes in practice acts at the federal and state levels. But did you know that the judicial branch – the court system also affects pharmacy law? Over the past year, there have been some interesting legal challenges pertaining to pharmacy and pharmaceuticals which directly affect your daily practice. This session will provide an easy-to-understand overview of the key court decisions as well Being a Good Advocate for Compounding 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Sometimes it isn’t what you say, it’s HOW you say it! While pharmacists are experts in medication management, most of us aren’t the best when it comes to putting our needs and issues into short and concise words and phrases. To better gain the support of legislators at the local, state and federal level, this interactive skill-building session will provide you with the practical skills to get your message across…and obtaining the action you want! Lunch Break and IACP Exhibitor Experience 12:00-2:00 p.m. Don’t miss this final opportunity to visit with the IACP Corporate Partners and exhibitors that support you and your Academy. Lunch will be served to all attendees and exhibitors so plan to make the IACP Exhibitor Experience a “don’t miss” on your daily plan. Developing and Implementing a Marketing Plan Legislative & Regulatory Advocacy Track 2:00-3:00 p.m. Setting Strategies - Short and Long Term Preparing to Visit Your Congressmen & Senators 3:00-4:00 p.m. Managing Your Non-Marketer Boss Collaboration - Veterinarians and the AVMA 4:00-5:00 p.m. Selling “Stuff” or Selling a Relationship A traditional component of CCH are the calls which you make on your Congressional and Senatorial delegations. This year’s “Hill Prep” presentation incorporates the tips and techniques on how to successfully lobby with in-depth explanations of IACP’s core compounding messages and asks. Get ready for Capitol Hill with the knowledge to make your visits even more successful. Sometimes we have to manage up. Especially when we're the “expert” that’s been hired to grow the business. But you don't know, what you don't know. Over the next hour we'll look at yearly, monthly, weekly and daily goals for a marketer and a pharmacy owner to begin the dialogue and speak the same language of growing the business and increasing sales. Given that the pharmacy and veterinary communities have a mutual goal of providing the best quality care for animal patients, this session will highlight the unique opportunities where they can better collaborate and provide a clearer understanding of the pharmaceutical issues that are facing veterinarians. Just as patient care is a team-based approach using the expertise of many different health-care providers, so is building relationships with other organizations. No association or group can act solely on its own – it requires collaboration and cooperation to build a coalition and to understand the needs and interests of diverse stakeholders. This educational session will feature several organizations whose members rely upon compounding pharmacy – veterinarians, physicians, and others – and what some of their issues, concerns and objectives are. Any pharmacy can compound (with the right training and access to supplies.) But only one pharmacy has you and your team. Selling stuff is easy but the problem comes into play when we're all selling the same “stuff.” Over the next hour you’ll learn how to position your pharmacy as a unique business and develop relationships with prescribers. 4:00-4:30 p.m. Collaboration and Cooperation: Allies and Colleagues in Compounding R E G I S T E R AT C O M P O U N D E R S O N C A P I T O L H I L L – I A C P R X . O R G / C C H

IACP Compounders on Capitol Hill
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