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IACP Compounders on Capitol Hill

Tuesday, June 4, 2013 HILL DAY Why We’re Here: Make Your Voice Heard! State Breakfast and Briefing 7:00-9:30 a.m. Sponsored by PCCA. Grand Ballroom Hit the Hill the right way with a good hearty breakfast and advice from a compounding-friendly Congressman at our annual State Breakfast event. Plan your day with colleagues and friends from your state to maximize your time and impact as you take the needs and interests of compounders to Capitol Hill. Off to the Hill! 9:45 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Appointments and scheduling coordinated by Soapbox Consulting, LLC. Capitol Hill Debriefing and Closing Celebration 3:00-6:00 p.m. bin 1700 Make sure that all of your visits pay off by sharing your meetings and discussions with IACP’s Government Affairs team. Update us on your conversations, what followup needs to be done, and help “close the loop” to maximize your personal and IACP’s collective impact. This year, enjoy hors d’oeuvres and refreshments as you share your war stories and help celebrate another successful CCH event. And as a special treat to the weary warriors…don’t miss out on the shoulder and neck massages we have scheduled to get you back in shape for your last evening in Washington, D.C.! Continuing Education Credit The IACP 2013 Compounders on Capitol Hill has been approved for 17.0 contact hours (1.7 CEUs) of continuing education credit and attendees may acquire up to 11.0 contact hours (1.1 CEUs) of continuing education credit. Attendees will be requested to complete an online evaluation for each CE session they attend. All attendees requesting CE will be required to provide their NABP e-Profile ID and birthdate (MMDD) to receive credit for any ACPE-accredited CPE session and to complete a “Request for CE Credit” form. It is the responsibility of the CPE taker to give IACP correct information. If incorrect information is provided, the record will be rejected by CPE Monitor and the CPE credit will not be awarded. If you complete a “Request for CE Credit” form at the conclusion of the conference, your CPE credits will be uploaded to the CPE Monitor System within 60 days of completion. If you do not see CPE activity displayed for a session that you attended and it has been more than 60 days since you submitted the CPE to the provider, please contact your CPE provider. All sessions carrying the ACPE program number are approved for continuing education credit. The American College of Apothecaries, Inc. is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. The International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists programming is co-sponsored by the American College of Apothecaries. Preliminary schedule – programs may change based upon availability of speakers. More details to come. For the most up-to-date Meeting Agenda go to 9 T H A N N U A L C E L E B R A T I N G R X MI X E R SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2013 ~ 6:30 – MIDNIGHT B E N E F I T I N G T H E I A C P F O U N D A T I O N C O M P O U N D E R S O N C A P I T O L H I L L – I A C P R X . O R G / C C H

IACP Compounders on Capitol Hill
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