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Custom Rx Connection August 2012

you are posting about insomnia it probably is not reaching your intended audience.Thirty-five percent of smartphone users check apps such as Facebook before they even get out of bed! When are your customers using social media? It is a safe bet to post the majority of your content between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tip Number 12 - Have Fun It is pretty easy to see that by incorporating the 11 other tips that you’ll have fun engaging with your customers on social media.Pharmacy and health care is serious stuff. But connecting with your patients and community and making them feel special does not have to be. If pharmacists take the time to connect with their communities and create content, share fact-based research along with their opinions, and ask questions online, then they will grow their practice and reinforce their image as healthcare providers. If all independent pharmacies participated in social media, we would dominate search results and establish independent community pharmacy as the pharmacy to choose for health and wellness. Scot Maitland is the founder and publisher of Pharmacy Marketing Quarterly and owner ofTacitAlmonds,a healthcare communications company. He also is the recipient of the Texas Social Media Award and speaks professionally on the subject of communications and social media for IACP, NCPA and PCCA. To learn more on marketing, visit, or I A C P C U S T O M Rx C O N N E C T I O N I A C P R X . O R G 13

Custom Rx Connection August 2012
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