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Custom Rx Connection August 2012

More than 300 community pharmacists and pharmacy technicians from across the United States traveled toWashington,D.C.,to meet with their federal House and Senate delegations as part of the InternationalAcademy of Compounding Pharmacists (IACP) 2012 Compounders on Capitol Hill (CCH) 18th annual conference and legislative event held, June 23-26, 2012. In addition to talking to Congress about the importance of having access to personalized medicines,IACP Members specifically addressed the importance of complete Medicare, Medicaid and other prescription insurance coverage for all compounded preparations. “Compounding pharmacists came to Washington to talk with Congressmen and Senators about several specific issues that directly affect their patients,” says IACP President Scott Karolchyk, RPh, FIACP. “We are particularly concerned that Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries are denied coverage for all compounds due to a statutory ‘glitch’ that requires our members to only use certain forms of medicines to make the personalized prescriptions that those individuals need. For pharmacists,this is an issue of science and professional judgment. For our patients, it’s an issue of affordability.” “IACP is continuing to educate patients, prescribers, pharmacists, patient advocacy groups,congressional offices,state pharmacy associations,state pharmacy boards and Medicaid divisions about the vital importance of continued access to compounded medications. These visits to Congress came at a particularly critical time for compounding pharmacies across the country and for the patients whom they serve. Every pharmacist, pharmacist technician and prescriber who joined us on Capitol Hill this year and those patients and prescribers who have called and written their members of Congress were vital to ensuring that our voices continue to be heard,” says IACP Executive Vice President & CEO David G. Miller, RPh.

Custom Rx Connection August 2012
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