Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Focus on Customers, not Returns

The reverse distribution industry is crucial to pharmacy profitability, compliance, and public safety. With margins under attack, consolidation by large companies, and increasing compliance regulations on destruction, pharmacies need a partner in the returns business. This partner is Flash Returns, and they make product returns simple, easy, and hassle-free with their Compass program.


Pharmacies need every advantage available for improving revenue. Management will receive that advantage when a Flash Returns representative reviews the shelves without interruption to workflow. Or the pharmacy can send a box of items, and Flash will inventory and value the products within days. 

There are no destruction fees, hidden fees, upfront costs, or risks to becoming a Flash customer. The entire process, from prices to payouts, is transparent and cost-effective. 

Pharmacies receive access to an easy-to-use returns portal, personalized customer service, and a partner that will grow with the business. And with same-day signup and a fast platform, pharmacies can start their returns immediately.

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This post is related to:

Returns, Reverse Distribution