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Get the Most Out of Your Label Printers in Your LTC Pharmacy

In the fast-paced world of long-term care pharmacy, efficiency is key. That's why reliable label printers like SATO and Zebra are essential tools for accurate medication labeling and dispensing. But just like any equipment, proper use and maintenance are crucial to ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

At SoftWriters, we understand the importance of keeping your label printers running smoothly. That's why we're sharing these helpful tips to help you get the most out of your SATO and Zebra printers in your long-term care pharmacy:

Troubleshooting Common Issues:

 "Out of Paper" Error: Even when paper is present, this error can occur if your printer settings are misconfigured. Double-check your printer's defaults and preferences in the control panel and the web interface (for network printers) to ensure everything aligns.

• Faded or Streaked Labels: A dirty print head can be the culprit. Regularly clean the print head strip with an alcohol wipe, especially when inserting new labels. If cleaning doesn't solve the issue, the print head itself might need replacement.

• Drifting or Misaligned Labels: Worn rollers can cause label misalignment. Contact Sato or Zebra for scheduled maintenance or, if your printer has one, adjust the tensioner knob (typically found on higher-end models).

• Cut-Off or Incomplete Labels: Misaligned labels can lead to information being cut off. Go to Utilities then Configure Forms Printer. Depending on the printer model, you might need to flip the label 180 degrees. Read more >

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