Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Unleash Your Powerful Potential, Capture New Revenues, Improve The Patient Journey

Comprehensive Pharmacy Services

Unleash Your Powerful Potential, Capture New Revenues, Improve The Patient Journey 

Specialty & Ambulatory Pharmacy 

Specialty Pharmacy | Retail Pharmacy | Infusion Services 

Healthcare leaders seek the next opportunity to make a significant positive impact for their hospital or health system. In these challenging times, they may wish to capture new revenues and improve both visibility and control over the patient journey. Opportunity may exist through the specialty pharmacy. As specialty drug spend and the volume of patients requiring medications increases, the local hospital is uniquely positioned to leverage specialty pharmacy to improve care quality. Nobody knows this better than SPARx. 

SPARx supports healthcare leaders in realizing their vision for specialty pharmacy. We empower pharmacies to unleash their potential for new revenues while achieving enterprise goals for patients and outcomes. 

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