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PrimeRx Doubles Down on Customer Service – and Earns a National Award

How long is too long for a customer to be placed on hold?  What if the customer is a pharmacist trying to resolve a technology-related issue that is affecting business operations?

The answer, of course, is that any time spent on hold is too long for a busy pharmacist.  Which is why, a few years ago, pharmacy technology company PrimeRx set out to dramatically improve its customer service offerings, so that callers would receive faster assistance, with significantly less time spent on hold, and inquiries quickly routed to the appropriate trained technician.

The results have been impressive.  So impressive, that the company was honored in April 2024 with a prestigious Silver Stevie Award®, as part of the annual American Business Awards competition.  The awards are given in recognition of businesses that distinguish themselves in various performance areas.  PrimeRx was recognized in the “customer service & call center category,” with a specific focus on its contact center operations.

“We are a technology company,” noted PrimeRx President and CEO Ketan Mehta, “and our job is to make our pharmacy customers’ lives easier.”  Customer service, he added, should be a “pleasant and satisfying experience,” rather than the time-consuming, painful undertaking it too often becomes. Read more >

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