From logos and colors to fonts and photos, these design elements will help maintain consistency throughout our brand.
Pantone C: 2149
Pantone U: 2390
Hex: #5284AB
C72 M41 Y18 K0
R82 G132 B171
Pantone C: 2855
Pantone U: 2955
Hex: #0A3E64
C100 M77 Y35 K26
R10 G62 B100
Pantone C: 2382
Pantone U: 2194
Hex: #1079BF
C85 M47 Y0 K0
R16 G121 B191
Pantone C: 644
Pantone U: 644
Hex: #95B2D1
C35 M15 Y1 K9
R149 G178 B209
Pantone C: 7681
Pantone U: 7681
Hex: #98ABC6
C41 M26 Y11 K0
R152 G171 B198
Pantone C: 2373
Pantone U: 2373
Hex: #7E8AA1
C55 M41 Y25 K1
R126 G138 B161
Pantone C: 2160
Pantone U: 7692
Hex: #426487
C81 M59 Y29 K8
R7 G100 B135
Pantone C: 425
Pantone U: 433
Hex: #58595B
C64 M56 Y53 K28
R88 G89 B91
Looking for an RXinsider logo? Artwork files for company and publication logos can be downloaded here. For additional versions, please contact the art department.
Pantone C: 397
Pantone U: 397
Hex: #C0BD31
C29 M16 Y100 K0
R192 G189 B49
Pantone C: 2955
Pantone U: 2955
Hex: #0A3E64
C100 M77 Y35 K26
R10 G62 B100
Pantone C: 1795
Pantone U: 2035
Hex: #ED1C24
C0 M100 Y100 K0
R237 G28 B36
Pantone C: 285
Pantone U: 2175
Hex: #1B75BC
C85 M50 Y0 K0
R27 G117 B188
Pantone C:
Cool Gray 8
Pantone U:
Cool Gray 9
Hex: #888B8D
C49 M39 Y39 K4
R136 G139 B141
Our corporate typeface should be used consistently in all branded materials and videos. Download the Roboto typeface here. For more details, check out our Brand Guidelines.
As part of our brand identity, RXinsider has produced and assembled a collection of product photography and icons to portray our customers, solutions, and business settings in a unique way. Download and use these images as visual elements to support messaging.