Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Appearance Matters: What Message is Your Pharmacy Sending?

From overall cleanliness to your pharmacy’s curb appeal, your store appearance matters. Afterall, customers are coming to you to improve their health and your store should reflect that. If your pharmacy is well-maintained, it instills confidence while an unorganized, messy, or downright dirty store may deter patients from coming back. To ensure your pharmacy is sending the right message, here are some things to keep an eye on:

Curb Appeal

Depending on whether you own or are renting your space, you may have limited control over your pharmacy’s exterior. However, there are several easy ways you can maximize your curb appeal either way. For example, you can plant some flowers and foliage, or place planters around the parking lot and entrance to add some color and create a more welcoming atmosphere. If you do this, be sure to keep them watered and well-groomed. Otherwise, you’ll wind up making your store look neglected and dated. It’s also important to regularly check exterior lighting and promptly replace any flickering or burnt-out lightbulbs, keep walkways clear, empty trash bins, and fill any potholes that may develop in your parking lot. Read more >

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