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A Union of Technology

Developing software specifically for long-term care, institutional, and closed-door pharmacies means Integra Group has studied the functionality that applies to their unique needs. They invested in a cohesive technology and resources approach to overcome challenges to ensure the pharmacist and patient at the hospital or senior care facility have a good day. That’s the goal.

The developers view themselves as a genuine partner with a consultative approach when supporting the pharmacist with its suite of software solutions. Integra is a partner in clients’ full potential.

Integra provides the numbers to support performance and revenue goals with its software suite by providing a 30 percent faster and more efficient system and offering a 50 percent lower total cost of ownership.

The decision to align technology offerings under one umbrella bolsters customer’s success. The unification of:

PrimeCare® Comprehensive Pharmacy Management

DocuTrack® End-to-End Workflow Solution

Logix® Efficient Process Automation

DeliveryTrack® Compliant Pharmacy Logistics

Mevisi® Intelligent Business Analytics

Integra Cloud Fax® Secure Online Solutions

delivers on the promise of the pharmacy of the future.


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This post is related to:

Practice Setting: Long-Term Care Pharmacy Resources Software: Pharmacy Management Systems, Workflow