Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Our Pharmacy Supplies are Made In The USA

If you’re relying on overseas products to replenish your inventory, you’ve got excessive delays, gaping product shortages, and skyrocketing costs ahead of you for another 12+ months — impacting your ability to provide the highest level of patient and customer care.


At a time like this, does Made in the USA really matter? Yes. Now more than ever before. The events of the last year have shown all of us the importance of a shortened supply chain, one that is resilient, agile, streamlined, and located right here in the United States.

As a proud US manufacturer, we are:


We are uniquely positioned to adapt to dynamic changes in the market.


Our centrally located US facilities deliver quickly and efficiently.


We are committed to growing our US economy with local jobs.

At Drug Package, we believe so strongly in safeguarding our partners through these volatile times — we designed a program that protects against it. We call it our Safeguard Supply Program (and it’s free to join).

Supply Chain Stability, Inventory Reliability, and Responsive Service Are Here.


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