Pharmacy Market BUZZ

Market News, Products, Services, and Trends


There is plenty of buzz around the upcoming flu season and how it will impact patients amid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the importance of community pharmacies during this time is not under speculation. As trusted healthcare providers on the front lines, independent pharmacists are crucial when it comes to administering flu shots to their community.  

In addition to flu shots and COVID-19 vaccines, patients will rely heavily on their local pharmacy during cough, cold, and flu season. From OTC products to regular health updates, there are many ways community pharmacies can prepare to support their patients during this time.  

Prepare for Flu Shots 

Administering COVID-19 vaccines has already caused many community pharmacies to update their workflow and modify their daily processes. Now, it is time to factor flu shots into the equation. Your usual workflow or process for administering flu shots may need to be updated to accommodate the changes to your pharmacy.  

TDS_2021_Flu_Season_campaign_inline_image_600x400.pngIt is also important to manage your schedule and provide a positive customer experience during this busy time. Patient scheduling tools can help you create vaccination appointments and reduce wait times in the store. When patient scheduling tools are integrated with your pharmacy management system, you can easily keep track of patient data and make reporting more efficient.  

Stock Up on OTC Items 

Flu season also brings a spike in coughs and colds. While many patients will pick up prescription medications during this time, they will also be looking for OTC items. This is a great opportunity for community pharmacies to provide the products their community needs while increasing their OTC business.  

Place popular OTC items on display so they are easy to find, including OTC cold medicine, cough drops, nasal spray, tissues, and vitamins. It is important to review your POS data during this time as well and take note of the best-selling OTC items for your store. You can use your POS reports to optimize inventory during flu season...

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