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Today’s pharmacist does a lot more than fill prescriptions. While dispensing medication was once their primary role, community pharmacists are recognizing the increasing need for clinical services in the pharmacy. As pharmacists consider new avenues to expand their services, adherence programs should be at the top of their list.  

Adherence programs in community pharmacies can directly benefit both the patient and the pharmacy. From improved medication adherence and patient outcomes to a boost in pharmacy revenue and customer loyalty, adherence programs are a worthy investment. Keep reading to learn the value that adherence programs can bring to community pharmacies. 

Patient Benefits of Community Pharmacy Adherence Programs 

The most obvious benefits of adherence programs can be seen on the patient level. When patients do not adhere to their medications, hospitalization rates, healthcare costs, and preventable deaths increase significantly. Unfortunately, about 25% of prescriptions are never filled, and about 50% of patients with chronic conditions do not take their medication as prescribed even when picked up at the pharmacy.  

COVID-19's impact on medication adherence in the United States has caused even more challenges for patients, providers, pharmacists, and health plans. The need for in-pharmacy adherence programs is greater than ever as a result of the pandemic, and community pharmacists are in a prime position to help.  

Pharmacists are frequently ranked among the most trusted professions, and independent pharmacies are ingrained in their communities. Patients see their pharmacists more times per year on average than their primary care physician, offering more touchpoints to improve adherence.  

Medication synchronization programs, medication consultations, and clinical interventions in the pharmacy can carry a lot of weight with a patient. Patients may be more likely to listen to and trust their local pharmacist, and they often interact with their pharmacist more than their provider. Adherence programs can benefit patients in a variety of ways, including:  

• Improve patient outcomes and quality of life  

• Provide added convenience  

• Reduce hospital admissions or readmissions 

• Decrease healthcare spending and out of pocket costs  

• Reduce negative medication side effects or drug interactions  

Benefits of Adherence Programs for Community Pharmacy 2021-11-12_12-13-24.png

The importance of adherence programs is clear for patients, but how can they benefit the community? Designing and implementing adherence programs in independent  pharmacies requires a great deal of investment. Both time and money are required to start an adherence program in the pharmacy as well as workflow changes, awareness campaigns, and staffing resources...

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