Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Are You Ready for Open Enrollment?


With summer winding down, Open Enrollment will once again be here before you and your pharmacy staff know it! With the many complexities of the Medicare enrollment process, and given the pharmacist’s unique position and ability to educate patients about their options, Medicare plan reviews serve as an important and valuable way to ensure your customers end up with the right plan. Plan reviews also benefit your pharmacy by offering another opportunity to leverage the powerful patient-pharmacist relationship to increase customer loyalty, patient adherence, and revenue growth. In fact, studies show patients who receive a plan review are 30% more likely to stay with that pharmacy.1

While conducting effective Medicare plan reviews can be a difficult and daunting process, it certainly doesn’t have to be—especially when your staff has the PrescribeWellness tool at its disposal.

The PrescribeWellness Difference

Our Medicare Plan Review solution provides your pharmacy staff with the support needed to ensure your practice and patients enjoy a successful Open Enrollment season. Simplifying workflow is helpful in any practice, and especially in your pharmacy. The PrescribeWellness Medicare Plan Review solution not only identifies and recruits Medicare-eligible candidates for plan reviews, but it allows pharmacists to quickly and easily access side-by-side plan comparisons—an efficient and effective way to highlight the various options and help ensure patients choose the right plan.

Filter For Success

Honing your focus through the Medicare Plan Review solution can optimize patient care, pharmacy revenue, and your time.

By leveraging advanced filtering capabilities, your pharmacy staff can strategically prioritize and target high-impact Medicare-eligible patients, such as those with the highest billing totals, plan costs, and patients on multiple maintenance medications, or who have low medication adherence. In fact, the PrescribeWellness tool even lets you filter for patients with an upcoming 65th birthday, allowing your staff to always stay one step ahead of your population!...

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