Safeguard Your Organization, Community, and the Environment With Stericycle Solutions
Stericycle’s CsRx Controlled Substance Waste Service can serve as a central component to prevent drug diversion in your hospital. Stericycle’s Safe Community Solutions provide your patients with safe and convenient disposal of sharps waste and unused medications.
Company Background
Stericycle supports the leading role that pharmacists hold as healthcare providers in our communities. For over three decades, Stericycle has introduced innovative products and services for regulated medical waste management and is a pioneer in offering pharmaceutical waste solutions that help drive safety, regulatory compliance, and environmental sustainability.
Product Overview
Increase Efficiency, Safety, and Your Organization’s Community Stewardship
Stericycle’s Safe Community Solutions increase your patient engagement by offering convenient disposal of unused consumer medication and sharps waste generated by home injectable therapies. CsRx Controlled Substance Waste Service helps mitigate drug diversion within your healthcare organization.
MedDrop™ Drug Collection Kiosks help prevent prescription drug abuse in your community and reduce the environmental risk that results from improper disposal. Customers and patients appreciate the convenience and anonymity of returning unused medications to the same place they received them. Add additional value to retain customers and promote brand loyalty with Stericycle’s MedDrop medication collection kiosks.
Seal&Send™ Medication Mail Back Envelopes allow consumers to package and mail their unwanted or expired medications to Stericycle in secure, anonymous, prepaid envelopes via USPS. Seal&Send envelopes are particularly useful for rural and homecare patients to safely and sustainably dispose of unused medications simply by placing in a mailbox.
SafeDrop™ Sharps Mail Back Kits include everything needed to properly collect and safely dispose of sharps. With a convenient auto-replenishment option, Stericycle makes it easy to manage container inventory. SafeDrop provides efficient and compliant disposal of sharps waste generated at your facility and serves as a driving component of successful COVID-19, influenza, and other immunization programs.
Additionally, your patients can use the SafeDrop Mail Back program to safely store and dispose of sharps waste generated through their injectable therapies at home.
CsRx® Controlled Substance Waste Service supports your organization’s internal diversion prevention efforts. CsRx is a solution for safely disposing controlled substance wastage immediately after patient administration, to mitigate drug diversion and protect the environment.
Stericycle: Your Trusted Partner
Stericycle has partnered with thousands of pharmacies of all sizes to provide easy-to-use regulated waste disposal services that help:
• Keep employees safe and healthy and protect your brand — by safeguarding your staff, community, and organization through
compliant disposal solutions.
• Add customer value in store — by driving foot traffic and brand loyalty through safe in-store disposal solutions.
• Extend customer satisfaction at home — by prolonging enhanced customer experience and extending your brand’s reach through
secure in-home disposal solutions.
To learn more, visit today.
Protect your employees, customers, and community.
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Distribution: Returns, Reverse Distribution