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Last year, environmental monitoring made headlines because the COVID-19 vaccine required a set cold storage temperature. Any improper temperature with refrigeration could result in spoiled vaccines that the U.S needed to combat COVID-19.


Effective monitoring plays a key role in every lab, hospital, blood bank, or pharmacy needs. These medical and pharmaceutical organizations can rely on SensoScientific for their temperature monitoring capabilities to ensure constant drug effectiveness. No more worries when unexpected events occur, such as a power outage or a heatwave.


The FDA selected SensoScientific to monitor their laboratory, meeting strict regulatory compliance. SensoScientific offers this same rigor to its clients through a wide range of temperature sensors, humidity sensors, WI-FI temperature monitors, and cloud sensors. 

With the advances in temperature monitoring technologies from SensoScientific, the web-based embedded wireless system can substantially reduce the cost of technology ownership. Pharmacies receive a cost-effective, practical solution while increasing accuracy and compliance.

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Facilities: Temperature Monitoring (Wireless)