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Let Us Help You Elevate Your 340B Program

Let Us Help You Elevate Your 340B Program

At Verity Solutions, we deliver award-winning service and support while working every day to innovate and improve our customer service. Our account managers and support team work closely with each Covered Entity in a customized operational plan to maximize 340B savings and compliance. Along with the option of reaching out to your team by email and phone, our customers can open a support ticket at anytime and track status in real-time through our Verity Community Portal. 90% of all support tickets are resolved (not just responded to) in under 24-hours and most are resolved in under 2 hours!

Elevate your 340B program by learning more about our 340B solutions and how we are continuously improving our service and support programs.

Split Billing | Contract Pharmacy | Specialty Contract Pharmacy | Audit & Compliance Services | Compliance Manager | Purchase Analytics | 800.581.1378

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Distribution: 340B Solutions, 340B Management Systems