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Detect Contamination Thoroughly

Does your current testing lab meet all USP <797> compounding standards? Are you meeting urgent timelines to get the patient their medications? Are you mitigating the risk of contamination? Element’s scientists, engineers, and technologists will ensure the answer is yes to those questions. 


With more than 25 years of experience developing environmental monitoring programs, Element covers the needs of the manufacturers, hospital, and compounding pharmacy. Element has one of the largest and most complete sets of product qualification testing capabilities and services in the world. 

The team of experts stands ready to train your staff in proper aseptic practices because keeping staff and patients safe matters when compounding medicine. Customers can rely on their Compliance on Demand™ Proficiency Test Kits, full-service on-site environmental monitoring, ISO 14644-1 Classification of air cleanliness certifications, and many more cleanroom monitoring products.

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This post is related to:

Contamination Control: Quality Control, Lab Testing Services Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology