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Verified Diversion by Molecular Analysis

Drug diversion programs are strained as hospitals have to reallocate resources to fight against COVID-19. As a result, the global pandemic has exacerbated issues like drug diversion.

One of the most prominent outlets of controlled substance diversion is drug-wasting events. Verifying wasted drugs by analyzing their composition in a lab is slow and not practical in most situations. PharmID detects and prevents diversion quickly with its flagship product, WasteWitness™.

PharmID solutions are powered by Raman Spectroscopy, a technology that analyzes medication via laser to provide drug and concentration verification rapidly. The pass or fail results are delivered to administrators through the powerful, sophisticated web platform.

Health care systems now have the power of the first true molecular verification of medication within seconds. Pharmacists no longer have to rely on a fallible system. Bottom line, WasteWitness verifies that controlled substance waste is what it is supposed to be.


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This post is related to:

Drug Diversion Monitoring, Diversion Prevention