Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Vaccines, medicines, lab samples, and more require continuous temperature monitoring. When responsible for lab operations, peace of mind comes from having a reliable system. The SmartSense system by DIGI provides the needed confidence that the pharmacy complies with NIST and that medications maintain their efficacy.

SmartSense combines calibrated wireless sensors with remote monitoring software. The outcomes are actionable insights that drive quality control, employee productivity, and regulatory compliance. 


Pharmacy management receives alert audits when refrigerators and freezers have temperature issues. The team uses this intelligence to assess performance and manage assets.

Pharmacies from Rite Aid to Schnucks chose SmartSense because they wanted an experienced partner who shares their safety standards. From retail pharmacies to hospitals labs, SmartSense provides the lab with a complete system for safety, compliance, and efficiency.

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Temperature Monitoring (Wireless)