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The Experts on USP <797> Compliance

USP 797 regulations require continual monitoring of airborne, surface, and gloved fingertip microorganisms in sterile compounding areas. The guidelines protect the people who compound sterile pharmaceuticals and the areas where these drugs are prepared and stored. 


EMSL Analytical knows the need of healthcare facilities and provides a cost-effective solution by offering services supporting USP <797> activities. 

EMSL offers unmatched capabilities coupled with a company-wide focus on customer satisfaction that makes no project too large or too small for the team at EMSL. The wide array of services start with:

• Tailoring a quality assurance plan for comprehensive environmental monitoring.

• Training employees on safe handling compounded pharmaceuticals.

• Adding expertise to address:

    1) Microbial contamination

    2) Endotoxins

    3) Physical or chemical contamination

    4) Preparation of incorrect concentrations

    5) Incorrect ingredients

A mistake in any of these five areas can cause serious harm. EMSL understands the seriousness of this work. They are more than another testing lab; they are the pharmacist's partner in all things USP <797>.

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This post is related to:

Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology