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Give cleanliness your full attention. Now. [VIDEO]

This is no time for halfway measures.

Preventing the spread of contaminates in cleanroom facilities requires an all-out, multi-faceted approach, and ISO-MED is uniquely qualified to be your partner in that vital effort. 

ISO-MED offers a wide range of medical supplies ranging from reliable PPE and lab supplies to disinfectants and more. All products conform to the strictest clean room USP 800 standards, and will help you keep your entire facility clean and every member of your staff safe.

Keep your vigilance up and your risks down. 

Order online or call today.

Call for fast reordering: 800-797-1405

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Contamination Control: Cleanrooms, Gloveboxes, Hoods, Isolators Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology