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Partners in the New NSF/ANSI 456 Vaccine Standard — American BioTech Supply

American BioTech Supply

Partners in the New NSF/ANSI 456 Vaccine Standard

What is the NSF/ANSI 456  Vaccine Storage Standard? 

The NSF/ANSI 456 vaccine storage standard seeks to define the construction and performance characteristics of refrigerators and freezers to further enhance vaccine cold storage.   

Why is the NSF/ANSI 456  Vaccine Storage Standard being developed?

The standard was developed to normalize performance expectations and to allow the CDC a reference standard for user inquiries.

Will all vaccine refrigerators and freezers need to meet the standard? Is it mandatory or voluntary?

The NSF/ANSI 456 vaccine storage standard is specifically a voluntary standard, there is no timeline for adoption or governance of compliance. It will not be required by any governing body that vaccines be stored in NSF/ANSI 456 Certified units. The CDC Toolkit remains the gold standard for vaccine storage governance.

Do my current refrigerators and freezers meet the new standard?

Current purpose-built systems may meet the requirements. A central goal of the standard is to delineate acceptable performance from performance typical in “dorm” style and home use refrigerators and freezers.

What are the product features and performance requirements included in the new standard? 

The new standard covers construction details, controller requirements and temperature variation. During testing, temperature is monitored using vaccine simulator ballast devices and must maintain specific temperature ranges at steady state and through short door openings.

Will American BioTech Supply products meet the standard? 

Yes, American BioTech Supply has designed new compliant products and is in the process of testing specific cold storage units with an independent third-party agency.

What is American BioTech Supply doing to prepare for the new standard? 

American BioTech Supply is a member of the NSF/ANSI 456 committee designing the new standard. Our input into the committee will help the new standard be adopted for use by the CDC and vaccine manufacturers and fill industry gaps in performance.

It is important to note that this new NSF/ANSI 456 vaccine storage standard does not necessarily meet specific “vaccine manufacturers” storage specifications. It is critical that the “vaccine manufacturers” requirements are followed, regardless of the NSF/ANSI 456 Certification.

American BioTech Supply | 800.648.4041 |

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Facilities: Pharmacy Refrigeration & Cold Storage