Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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The latest trends in pharmacy signal big changes for 2022. Independent pharmacies can expect a greater focus on patient care, including clinical services and customer service. Telehealth pharmacy services continue to grow in popularity, and pharmacies can also expect to continue administering COVID-19 vaccines.  

The COVID-19 pandemic will continue to impact pharmacies, causing more changes throughout the year. These trends may require pharmacies to update their workflow, adopt new technologies, or shift their focus in 2022. Keep reading to learn more about pharmacy industry trends for the new year.  

Independent pharmacies continue to administer COVID-19 vaccines.  

Independent pharmacies played a crucial role in the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, and pharmacists continue to administer vaccines and booster shots. In 2022, pharmacies can expect to continue administering vaccines and boosters, especially as new guidelines are released. Pharmacists should regularly review CDC guidelines on COVID-19 vaccines, including timelines for booster shots and vaccines for children.   

Streamline COVID-19 vaccines in your pharmacy  

Administering COVID-19 vaccines can quickly disrupt the workflow of your pharmacy, which can impact work quality, profitability, and efficiency. Following these tips may help your pharmacy streamline vaccine administration in 2022 while minimizing workflow disruption:  

• Update your pharmacy website and social media accounts with the latest vaccine information for your pharmacy, including availability and scheduling.  

• Modify your workflow to accommodate regular vaccine appointments and walk-ins.  

• Educate patients in the store on COVID-19 vaccines, including availability and scheduling, through handouts, signage, and counseling. 

• Schedule patient appointments through your pharmacy management software to avoid unexpected disruptions.  


Telehealth pharmacy services continues to rise in 2022.  

Many pharmacies adopted telehealth services during the pandemic to help keep patients and staff safe, and telehealth will continue to trend in pharmacies in 2022. According to a recent survey, the majority of patients responded that telehealth has made getting the care they need easier—about 85%, with 87% saying they want to continue using telehealth in non-emergency situations. By scheduling virtual patient appointments, pharmacists can expand their services and better manage their schedules while offering convenient access to the pharmacy for their patients.  

Independent pharmacies can combine telehealth services with convenient delivery methods to improve patient care and satisfaction even more. Offering delivery services, curbside pickup, and drive-thru pickup can make it easier for homebound or sick patients to receive the care and medications they need in a timely manner...

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