Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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The Total Package

Pharmaceutical products and packaging are making more of a difference than ever before. These advancements are because a clinician must have a high-performing syringe filter that doesn’t clog. They want accurate, needleless dispensing. And they want packaging that keeps products secure while eliminating contamination risk. Parasol offers this and more with its Cultivate™ products that adhere to USP <797> and  <800> requirements.

Parasol designs the Cultivate products to minimize hazards and improve aseptic practices, starting with dependable and straightforward packaging. The engineers at Parasol are motivated to make the lives of clinicians easier by removing annoying frustrations. Customers receive every Cultivate product in aseptic packaging that adheres to stringent, cleanroom standards.

Beyond the conveniences and the product variety, security is ever-present to prevent microbial contamination and protect healthcare professionals with safe handling packaging. These features result in improved patient safety and outcomes.


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This post is related to:

Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology