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Automating Pharmacy Workflows — DOSIS Systems by Manchac

Automating Pharmacy Workflows

Pharmacies using automation are less affected by staffing  challenges

With rising labor costs and limited labor pools to choose from, automation is becoming the best solution for pharmacies all over the country.

DOSIS Systems automates the portions of your pharmacy that don’t require human contact including processing scripts from your PMS, printing labels, adjusting inventory, and sending scripts to autonomous blister card filling. 

Hear how MChest Pharmacy saves money each month...

What pharmacies are using DOSIS Systems? Those whose operations require...

On-demand Filling

Cycle Filling


Let us demonstrate how we can automate your workflows! | 977-626-2422

Seeing is believing with the DOSIS System. We can give you a full demo of a working system so you can see for yourself the value of DOSIS workflow.

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