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Press Release: NeuropaCalm Announces the Introduction of Its New Peripheral Neuropathy Home Care System

RENO, NV, UNITED STATES, MARCH 1, 2022 – NeuropaCalm, a Nevada-based company, is pleased to announce its new Peripheral Neuropathy Home Care Plan exclusively designed for patients of convenient care clinics and independent pharmacies. This Home Care Plan fills crucial therapeutic gaps for customers suffering from peripheral neuropathy who may be underserved or undiagnosed in other medical settings.  

Tens of millions of people in the United States have diabetes, and 70 percent of these patients will develop debilitating peripheral neuropathy. Fifty percent of those diagnosed with this condition face amputation. Early detection and treatment remain critical to better outcomes, yet the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are often overlooked. 

NeuropaCalm seeks to increase public awareness of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy through early detection campaigns coupled with effective treatment options. While there is no cure for peripheral neuropathy, symptomatic relief is possible through the NeuropaCalm Home Care Program. 

Convenient care clinics and independent pharmacies that offer this service will provide regular customers with the highest level of care and health information. What’s more, facilities gain access to new revenue streams of between $1,500 and $2,000 per patient program plus revenue from ongoing consumable purchases. 

Care plans include a complimentary assessment, home-care equipment, and high-quality nitric oxide supplementation in a comprehensive offering. Clinicians and pharmacy technicians can provide a patient evaluation in less than ten minutes. Opting in to the program does NOT require expensive testing equipment purchases, and some Medicare reimbursement may be available to qualified providers. 

Offering NeuropaCalm Home Therapy kits doesn’t require competing for new clients, and it’s offered exclusively through medical clinics/pharmacies and not to the general public. Instead, the system allows you to focus on your current clientele and how to better serve them. This wrap-around care program offers the resources for symptomatic relief and restored quality of life for patients and caregivers while permitting clinics and pharmacies to reach untapped, though readily available, markets. 

For more information about this comprehensive, affordable light therapy treatment package, visit:  and request a clinic-only password. 

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