Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Have Your Pharmacy Participate in the Growing Animal Pharmacy Market [Video]

Need New Customers? They Are Already Living in Your Market Area- At Home With Your Existing Customers!

-Have your pharmacy participate in the growing animal pharmacy market projected to be $15 billion dollars in the year 2018.

-Intro to Animal Med Express:

-Animal Prescription, OTC and Nutritional products, FDA and EPA Approved as required

-68% of US Households (your customers) own a pet! Provide them pet meds from their trusted pharmacist-you!

-The monopoly of the vet selling animal prescriptions has changed! 42 states now have laws requiring the Vet to issue a script to the animal owner. The AVMA has also modified their Code of Ethics accordingly!

-Your pharmacy can offer its customers savings resulting in reduced prices and with greater convenience than traditional sources!

-Animal Med Express provides an extensive inventory of pet medications, OTC products, and Nutritional Supplements. 

-Receive the order at your pharmacy counter with existing staff- our web interface makes it easy to order products.

-Typical margins for your pharmacy are in the range of 20-30 days.

-Never any fees or monthly charges to be a member of Animal Med Express! Sign up free at:

 For More Information: 

Call us at 615-538-1424 or sign up at

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