Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Providing the Space you Need to Succeed

Visit our website for all of your cleanroom needs.

-View different styles and photos of room designs.

-Retrofit and upgrade your existing rooms.

-Detailed information on components and options offered with our rooms. 

-Find information on how to design a Cleanroom. 

-A quote section that forwards bid requests directly and are typically returned within 24 hrs. 

-Quotes can also be supplied directly over the phone in minutes, with confirming bids and drawings faxed or emailed the same day. 

-Let us bid for your furniture, accessories, and consumable items to outfit your cleanroom. 

-Let MCR help you to understand the requirements for Cleanrooms found in USP 797/800, 503 A/B, ISO and Fed. Std. 209e.

Phone: 800-496-7666 | Fax: 303-371-0270 | | Email:

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